Communication with the police, insurance companies, witnesses and other road accident participants - Ukraine

231.0 km ·
місто Київ, вулиця Бориспільська, 9
- Communication with the police, insurance companies, witnesses and other road accident participants: Auf Anfrage
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Law Firm Vip Lex
229.2 km ·
місто Київ,вул.Урлівська,11А
- Communication with the police, insurance companies, witnesses and other road accident participants: Auf Anfrage
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Law Firm Profit-Consul
231.2 km ·
город Киев, вулиця Антоновича, 172, этаж 11, офис 1118
- Communication with the police, insurance companies, witnesses and other road accident participants: Von 1.000 UAH
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Law Firm Адвокат Клунко Алексей Михайлович
233.5 km ·
город Киев, улица Мечникова, 14/1
- Communication with the police, insurance companies, witnesses and other road accident participants: Auf Anfrage
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Law Firm Автоадвокат
234.1 km ·
Чоколовский бульвар, 11, Киев
- Communication with the police, insurance companies, witnesses and other road accident participants: Auf Anfrage
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Law Firm N.S. GROUP
234.5 km ·
вулиця Хрещатик, 46Б, Київ, Україна
- Communication with the police, insurance companies, witnesses and other road accident participants: Auf Anfrage
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Law Firm Шаповалов та партнери
235.2 km ·
Майдан Независимости, 2, Киев
- Communication with the police, insurance companies, witnesses and other road accident participants: Von 2.000 UAH
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Law Firm Ясинецкий и партнеры
237.7 km ·
улица Семьи Хохловых, 9а, Киев
- Communication with the police, insurance companies, witnesses and other road accident participants: Von 500 UAH
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